I see, I guess I dont blame here for doing that. I have shamed her in a way. She is even madder that I am was an elder with a dirty secret....
Simon Morley
JoinedPosts by Simon Morley
Need Some Tough Love & Help
by Simon Morley innot sure how to approach this but here goes.....my wife discovered a porn site on the computer tonight.
yes, i was going to them, and i was foolish to think i could never get caught.
i have been visiting them for some years, not a daily problems, but occasionaly every month or so - still a problem wethere its once or a hundred times.
Need Some Tough Love & Help
by Simon Morley innot sure how to approach this but here goes.....my wife discovered a porn site on the computer tonight.
yes, i was going to them, and i was foolish to think i could never get caught.
i have been visiting them for some years, not a daily problems, but occasionaly every month or so - still a problem wethere its once or a hundred times.
Simon Morley
mrsjones5: She has never viewed a site and she feesl that we have been living a lie and that we should not keep it form our dughter.
Need Some Tough Love & Help
by Simon Morley innot sure how to approach this but here goes.....my wife discovered a porn site on the computer tonight.
yes, i was going to them, and i was foolish to think i could never get caught.
i have been visiting them for some years, not a daily problems, but occasionaly every month or so - still a problem wethere its once or a hundred times.
Simon Morley
Not sure how to approach this but here goes.....My wife discovered a porn site on the computer tonight. Yes, I was going to them, and I was foolish to think I could never get caught. I have been visiting them for some years, not a daily problems, but occasionaly every month or so - still a problem wethere its once or a hundred times. Yes, even while I was an elder (hence I would find a way to avoid both talks on the matter and dealing with anyone as an elder). Yes I am a huge Hypocrite - with a capital "H".
My daughter is in her mid thirties, I know she will be devastated when she finds out - she always thought that while we were JW's that I tried to be different - really I am no different and so face the consequences.
So needless to say I have a huge hole to dig myself out of. My wife is really, really angry saying she could handle adultery better and wants me out of the house and her life. We have been married for almost 40 years, I don t want to give up on that but know I have horribly let her down in the biggest way possible - betrayal, lies and loss of trust. So I am turing to my only friends I have and ask is there anyone that has been in the same boat and what worked or did not work in the early days to rebuild the trust? To the dear women we have on this site - what did you do when you found out your hubby or boyfriend was looking at porn?
If there is a great possibility I am facing the rest of my life without my family - be honest with me. I need it, but I need them even if I have been a complete selfish pr%&k.
The January 1st Watchtower Admits That JWs Have Been Wrong As To Their Expectations Of The End!...but
by minimus inthey excuse it by saying, it's ok since at least they were on the watch.. i believe they should think about god's view of watchmen who constantly gave false pronouncements.
they would be judged accordingly by god!.
Simon Morley
Pixel: You are right - plus they were chastized for doing so by Jesus if you read the account early in the book of Acts.
The January 1st Watchtower Admits That JWs Have Been Wrong As To Their Expectations Of The End!...but
by minimus inthey excuse it by saying, it's ok since at least they were on the watch.. i believe they should think about god's view of watchmen who constantly gave false pronouncements.
they would be judged accordingly by god!.
Simon Morley
It is one thing to say you were wrong when only you were the person hurt by the error; it is entirely different when you misled thousands and thousands. You are culpable according to natural law and thus accountable for your error. This was not a harmless mere simple mistake. By their own rules they are unrepentant as the "degree of deviation should be commensurate with the degree of regret". I do not see anything remotely resembling the regret over the harm caused.
RIP Sir Patrick Moore
by Chariklo invery, very sad to learn of the death of sir patrick moore.
i've been following his programme the sky at night ever since the first one.
he started my lifelong interest in astronomy, and is partly responsible for my sons' careers.. wonderful enthusiasm!.
Simon Morley
He was incredible during the Apollo mission to the moon in the late 60's. He was so excited, animated and made astronomy easily understood, he thrilled us with his boyish enthusiasm. The joke was that the reason NASA cancelled the Apollo program was because Sir Patrick had a heart rate on 100 on the last Apollo 17 mission!! RIP Patrick, you will be missed.
Growing old in this system
by teela(2) inmeet up wth an old friend of my parents.
it was sad, mable in her 80's husband is 91 and falling apart.
off course to start with it was armageddon must be soon.
Simon Morley
Traditionally (as a former elder and account servant) the elderly, pre '75 age group were big contributors to the WBT$. This is fast drying up and it is going to be increasingly harder for the org to sustain itself for a large number of reasons, some of which are below:
1) Non-Dub family support will come with the caveat of reduced or eliminated meeting attendance. I have already heard of this happening locally and I witnessed it prior to my departure in 2010. The elederly will attend less and less and rely soley on shephearding calls that will not take place.
2) Children of both the elderly and emerging boomers will assume greater control via power of attorney for finances. Choosing between donation and costs incurred in their homes for taking care of elderly parents will be easy to make. If the non dub children outnumer the dub children that will pose a bigger problem. I believe that a number of dub children are already making wise choices in that charity begins at home.
3) the ratio of incoming vs outgoing is decreasing. Incoming are not as free with their money as the past generations were. They observed the events of 2008 and the fact that reliance on pension plans is a mistake. With the rich elderly gone there will not be enough support from other quarters - expect the org to ramp up about donations, planned giving, etc to be a bulwark against family attrition of assets.
Just some thoughts at lunchtime...
New video: Stephen Lett warns about "Women's Lip"
by cedars inhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=citaz613koc.
Simon Morley
I would like to see a talkfight with Lett/Losch/Splane up against Hilary Clinton/Chelsea Handler/Madonna. The have all one thing in common - no balls so it will be quite fair.
You cant use Patterson! Court denies Watchtowers bond motion
by cedars inhere's my article on the latest development in the conti case.... http://jwsurvey.org/cedars-blog/you-cant-use-patterson-court-denies-watchtowers-bond-motion.
i've tried to write it in such a way as to explain what's going on for people (like myself) who struggle to understand complex legal issues.. i've also availed myself of the help of a valued poster on this forum who wishes to remain anonymous.. i hope people will find the article helpful.
as always, if people notice any problems with it, please let me know (as kindly as possible!
Simon Morley
Excellent summary and explanation in very easy to understand terms and illustrations. Please thank your anonymous helper.
Has anyone figured the $cost/day to the WTB$ for their unchristian intransigence on this matter?
Farts - Blasting the Chair at the KH
by Simon Morley indid you try to hold your farts during a meeting or let the slip out?
i let them go (quitely) and did not give a hell about the reaction..
Simon Morley
Did you try to hold your farts during a meeting or let the slip out?
I let them go (quitely) and did not give a hell about the reaction.